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Kamis, 02 Juni 2011

Police to Intensify Firearm Raids

VIVAnews – Firearm use by civilians is now flaring up. The police plan to set up firearm raids.

National Police (Polri) HQ Public Relations Head Ins. Gen. Anton Bachrul Alam said that the incidents in Palu and Bekasi were due to the course of wide-spreading firearms amid the public. "In the near future there will surely be firearm raids for civilians," said Anton at Polri HQ, Jakarta, on Wednesday.

The raids, said Anton, are aimed to minimize the crime of shooting at police officers, so that they feel safe in doing their job. The raids will be conducted in areas that are prone to violence and crime.

As regards the technicalities in the raids, Anton did not explain in details. "It will be developed according to certain circumstances," he said.

Earlier, there were two shootings at police officers by unknown culprits. The first incident that took place recently was in Palu. Two police officers died in the scene when four unidentified people fired at them, Wednesday, May 25, 2011 in front of Bank Central Asia building, Jalan Emi Saelan, Palu. Another officer, Second Police Brigadier Dedy Edwar, was severely injured.

Then Bekasi Municipal Police officers Adj. Second Inspector Sugiyantoro died during gun shots against alleged robbers while he was on duty patrol on Jalan Raya Mess AL, Raden village, Jatiranggon, Jatisampurna, Bekasi, June 1.

• VIVAnews


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